Wednesday, May 14, 2014

12 weeks

The size of a lime! 
I found these pictures on and I was kind of amazed at the difference:

The babies are really the same size and development wise, but the size of the uterus for 2 versus for 1... so I can only imagine the size for 3. No wonder I can't wear my clothes anymore! 

The nausea has been striking whenever it feels like it... there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason. I'm still starving all the time, and I'm also exhausted... however, I seem to be getting my second wind after work now. Instead of lying down for a nap immediately when I get home, I'm wide awake... I'm the most tired around 12 and 6. Obviously I can't nap at work, and I feel like if I nap at 6 I won't sleep all night... so I have just been trying to push through. Of course I can't prevent the occasional snooze in the chair in the evening, though. :) 

I've had a lot of heartburn this week and Tums are quickly becoming my very good friend.

Our next appointment is on May 22, a week from tomorrow. We'll have our nuchal translucency ultrasound, and basically see if there are still 3 babies kicking in there. I am always a generally positive person and I have no reason to suspect otherwise, but in this situation I'm sticking with stark reality... There is a chance there may not be. Vanishing Twin Syndrome is real, and there doesn't always have to be symptoms associated. So until next week, we'll just wait and see.

Stole this from a friend:
How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Not really sure
Maternity clothes? Definitely, for a few items… I got more in the mail yesterday though.
Stretch marks? Not yet, but my belly’s definitely getting itchy.
Sleep: No problems here
Best moment this week: Mother’s Day on Sunday, and of course dancing last night J
Movement: Not yet. I feel the occasional small flutter, and I read that you can feel movement earlier with multiples, but I’m thinking it’s probably in my head.
Food cravings: Everything I see. J
Gender: TBA
Name: There’s a short list of names we like…
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Coffee!
What I am looking forward to: Next week’s appointment
Weekly Wisdom: Stop drinking water at least an hour before bed

1 comment:

  1. Love the last part. It will be fun to see how things progress! Still really excited for you guys!
