Saturday, June 7, 2014

15 weeks


I also started to feel our little apples move for the first time this week!

We had a prenatal appointment this week, mainly to check out my blood pressure (good) and the baby's heartbeats (good.) I have to do the glucose test before my next scheduled appointment... in 2 weeks. I went today to have it done, but the doctor never put the order in! So frustrating. I hear it's awful, so I wanted to just get it over with. Sigh.

I asked the doctor if we could try to determine sexes at our next appointment (17 weeks.) She said we could try, but anatomy scan wouldn't be until 19 weeks... I don't want to wait another month! I'm so anxious!

We are currently in the process of painting the room... the second coat is going on today. Once it's painted, we can build the furniture, lay the rug, hang blinds & rods... the valances and some of the décor are on order. So exciting!


How far along? 15 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss? About 18 lbs as of our last appointment
Maternity clothes? For sure. The few items I tried to wear this week that aren't maternity, are highly uncomfortable.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: lots of tossing & turning to get comfortable. I just want to sleep on my belly!
Best moment this week: Feeling the babies move for the first time!
Movement: A little bit!
Food cravings: Still sweets.
Sexes: tba! Hopefully soon :)
Names: still a short list :)
Labor signs: nadda
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: sleeping on my belly... ordered a Diet Coke when I'm out to dinner
What I am looking forward to: finding out the sexes!
Weekly wisdom: Babies love a good decaf caramel macchiato in the morning :)

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