Saturday, August 16, 2014

25 weeks

2 weeks in the hospital and counting. Sigh.

There still haven't been any changes, which is excellent. However, I'm still here... which is the best thing for the babies, I'm know, but it's very rough. I spoke with my doctor today and if all is still the same by Friday, she will write me a day pass for my shower. I think that's the hardest part - feeling like I'm missing out on things, especially the fun things surrounding pregnancy. Of course I'm grateful and happy these guys are healthy and doing well... it's hard to explain the many thoughts and emotions. People who don't "get it" think it's as easy as saying, "Whatever is best for the babies." And while their wellbeing most obviously comes first, it's just not that simple.

In happier news, I passed my 3 hour glucose test. Take that, placentas!
Also we had a surprise shower for hubby at his work this week. I was in on it, but he was shocked. They Skyped me for the shower. I was happy I could at least "be" there in some way.

How far along? 25 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss?  about 30 lbs
Maternity clothes? These days it's mainly yoga pants and mens Hanes t shirts :)
Stretch marks? Yep
Sleep: haha, because this hospital bed is so cozy... lots of naps, though
Best moment this week: No changes! Also, no gestational diabetes!
Movement: Clinton keeps kicking me in a very painful place
Food cravings: Still anything that isn't hospital food
Sexes: BBG!
Names: Clinton, Luke & Paisley
Labor signs: None this week
Belly button in or out? In, but I think it's starting to flatten
What I miss most: Being home with my hubby and my kitties
What I am looking forward to: my shower next weekend
Weekly wisdom: Having nothing to do is severely over rated.

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