Sunday, September 14, 2014

28 weeks

The babies look good this week! Luke got 8/8 on his BPP. Grow, baby. Grow!

How far along? 28 weeks! 
Total weight gain/loss?  about 35 lbs I would guess
Maternity clothes? These days it's mainly yoga pants and mens Hanes t shirts :)
Stretch marks? Yep
Sleep: Better because I'm at home, but my hips are posing major issues. I have to roll over frequently, which is an event by itself... and when I'm sick of that, I come to the chair... and the kitties think it's play time at that point. But, naps!
Best moment this week: Coming home!
Movement: So much!
Food cravings: Whatever I see lol
Sexes: BBG! 
Names: Clinton, Luke & Paisley 
Labor signs: None this week!
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss most: Being able to just get up and do things, like put all of these baby gifts away
What I am looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery
Weekly wisdom: Having nothing to do is severely over rated.

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