Sunday, September 21, 2014

30 weeks

This week we had another growth scan. Baby A (Clinton) weighs 3 lb 1 oz (and my bladder certainly feels every bit of that!) Baby B (Luke) is still smallest at 2 lb 4 oz. Baby C (Paisley) weighs 2 lb 13 oz. Since it appears her growth may be slowing as well, they did biophysical profiles on both Luke and Paisley. Both babies look good, although small. They're still talking about capping me at 34 weeks. While my aches and pains are grateful for that (and boy are there many,) I wish we could keep them growing longer.

Some interesting info... once we reach 32 weeks, the docs will no longer use mag to protect their brains (and reduce the risk of CP) should I go into labor. After 32 weeks, the risk is about the same as a full term baby. I also can't receive the second round of steroids until within a week of delivery - anything further out and the benefit just isn't there anymore. That being said, if she feels I'll be delivering within a week, she'll administer the steroids - otherwise, I'll receive them at 33 weeks to prepare for delivery at 34.

34 weeks is October 15. At this point, less than a month. I can't wrap my head around how soon that really is. Fortunately we are just about set and ready for them... it just makes me beyond sad that we won't be bringing them home with us right away.

How far along? 30 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss?  about 40ish... starting to retain fluid 
Maternity clothes? These days it's mainly yoga pants and mens Hanes t shirts :)
Stretch marks? Yep
Sleep: So uncomfortable all the time, so sleep isn't exactly going so well
Best moment this week: Reaching our 30 week goal. Next goal: 32
Movement: Clinton just LOVES to kick me in the cervix. The other two are getting cramped I can tell but don't like it when I rest the kindle on them :)
Food cravings: See-food diet :)
Sexes: BBG! 
Names: Clinton, Luke & Paisley 
Labor signs: None this week!
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss most: Doing the little things... and sleeping painlessly... and being able to roll over in bed
What I am looking forward to: 31 weeks... 1 week closer :)
Weekly wisdom: Devour as many books as possible before you don't have time to read again

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